
Neoprene’s value comes mostly from its versatility. It has good mechanical strength, it’s resistant to ozone and weathering, and it has good aging resistance. While its versatility makes it utilizable in many industries and applications, its cost tends to limit it to more specific applications. Here are a few area’s where the use of Neoprene is favorable:
Mass Transit Industry – Neoprene is self-extinguishing and meets the smoke-flame-toxicity requirements of the mass transit industry, making it one of the few elastomers that can be used in that industry setting.
Construction Industry – Neoprene has a good compression set resistance. That along with its good ozone resistance and it excellent weathering resistance make it a favorable elastomer for outdoor applications
Wire and Cable Industry – You will often find Neoprene used as protective covering for the wire and cable industry. Its physical toughness makes it great for cable that is consistently bent and twisted.