Encapsulation Molding

Wrap materials in rubber

Examples: wiring, housing or handles

Encapsulation molding is a process for molding rubber compounds onto a base material. This could be a wire, housing, or handle to create a finished product or part.

The primary indication for encapsulation is performance-based such as improved sealing quality between components. The process also offers lower assembly costs and device functionality such as in electronics encapsulation.

Encapsulation molded rubber (such as silicone) acts as a protective cover against dust, water, impact, heat, and electrical shock. For implantable medical devices, encapsulation creates a bio-friendly barrier between the medical device and the patient.

Examples of encapsulation products include:

  • Wearables
  • Keypads
  • Guarding
  • Electrical and thermal insulation
  • Medical encapsulation of electronics
  • Encapsulation gaskets
  • Surgical Handles

Rubber to metal is the most common encapsulation combination. Metal items encapsulated with rubber are used in thousands of applications. This is a sophisticated technology that produces components that are expected to operate without failure.

Some benefits of encapsulation include:

  • Cost and time savings: By molding directly onto a metal or other substrate, you save the expense required to assemble a complex part manually.
  • Design flexibility: The encapsulation process is excellent for meeting complex design requirements. Encapsulation produces parts that are waterproof, airtight, and resistant to shock and vibrations.
  • Quality control: The encapsulation process offers high tolerance and strict quality control, making it suitable for use in any application where precision is required.

Contact TMI expert technicians to help you develop the best solution for your custom needs.