Insert Compression Molding

Is this method better?

Consult with our team today.

The insert compression method has a number of advantages:

  • Reduced assembly requirements so you can make parts all at once instead of having to do assembly after the fact.
  • Reduced cost: Insert compression molding costs more up front than standard injection molding, but that cost is more than offset because you no longer need post-assembly work.
  • Reduced size and weight for the finished product: A rubber part with a metal or other insert is generally lighter than an all-metal part.
  • Increased reliability: Metal inserts will enhance the function of threads and reduce wear and tear over the part’s life.

Insert compression molding differs from standard insert molding because the rubber material is “pressed” under pressure into a mold, rather than “injected” into a mold.

There are numerous advantages to this method, but it all depends on the specification of your final product. Consult with TMI to see if this highly specific method is right for your needs.