After 15 years of hard work and dedication, TMI bids farewell to ISO Lead Auditor, Juanita White, and wishes her all the best on the next chapter in her journey. Her background in the automotive industry – where ISO requirements are incredibly strict – gave her a sharp eye for the smallest of details, and her strong will, sharing of her knowledge with others, and experience made her an invaluable member of the TMI family. TMI’s Quality Coordinator, Gary Blockinger, who had worked with her for around 36 years and also came from an automotive background says that, “it has been a pleasure working with her. She [brought] many qualities and experience to the table and I think we both [fed] off of each other. We [would] discuss things as a team and try to determine what would be best for the company and still meet the standard set by the ISO requirements.”

When asked about things that were quintessentially “Juanita”, he says that she, “always had a story to share about her husband Gene and right after she finished the story, I would always respond, ‘Poor Gene’. She then would proceed to scold me for sticking up for him. It was worth a laugh.” Her joyful spirit filled the office halls, and her absence will certainly be noticed. “She did teach me a lot, and I thank her for that,” Gary noted. “I want to wish her all the best during this new endeavor and the folks here at TMI hope she stays in touch.” It is evident that her years of service built a strong foundation in the area of ISO regulation and quality, and she will always be a loved and respected member of the TMI family. “Although Juanita spent 15 years here at TMI, her career and prior experience was unparalleled,” says TMI President, Michael Myhal. “Having worked for Packard Electric and then Delphi, she was a leader in her field and brought all of that knowledge and experience here to TMI. She will be sorely missed and we wish her well on much deserved time with her family.”
Taking on the post is new TMI Team Member, Erin Corll, a long-time resident of the Mahoning Valley. With six years of past experience in the automotive industry at Delphi Automotive and three to four years of experience in the specific field of auditing, she brings a wealth of knowledge and skill with her. When asked what a typical “day-in-the-life” at work looks like for her, she mentions that it includes, “Preparation for the audit such as, where will I be going and what kinds of things I will be seeing, ask[ing] questions, and learn[ing] about the processes all while making sure the functions are being completed per the standards.” In beginning her new role, Erin is “excited to be a part of the TMI team” and is looking forward to meeting her co-workers, learning about TMI’s production and protocols, and working alongside her father. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, crafting, and watching YouTube videos to learn new skills. “TMI is extremely excited and encouraged to welcome Erin to our team,” says TMI President, Michael Myhal. “Her experience and training will mesh with the legacy left behind by Juanita and I’m sure she will continue to improve the value and worth of TMI in her own way over the coming years.”